About life in Singapore. How unique we are, and how unique we are not. How what the media says isn't always true, and how blogs tell the other side of the story. But mostly, its about me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

about i-mode

I played with my sister's NEC N600i last night.
Navigating i-mode is a breeze but its wasn't all smooth sailing
- esp when i tried to subscribe to mediacrap's services.
The ability to book GV tickets is cool and at the same time it is easy to use.

The UI of this NEC phone is not as intuitive as those from NOKIA or even SE.
The input is irritating. Have to keep pressing mode to use T9.

I just got my Samsung i-Mode phone today - will be trying more of it later tonight after I charge it up.

My 2-cents on i-Mode at the moment

1. Starhub has to bring in better phones to entice subscribers
2. Local i-mode content has to improve to retain them

It's another chicken and egg situation -- content probably won't grow if subscriber base doesn't.
And SH would not want to cannabalise their own 3G market - I hope they have the sense to position it as the basic mobile-information channel and 3G for the multimedia content.

Will post pics and videos about the two i-mode phones we are using later.